New article on Bored Panda with 68 of my…

New article on Bored Panda with 68 of my most recent comics about mental illness. Including some I haven’t posted yet.

After the 30th, there is a little line that says there are more, click on it to see the 68 comics.

All my Inktober Drawings !

This October was #Inktober. Inktober is an annual challenge created by illustrator Jake Parker that challenges artists to create one drawing using ink each day of October.

So, I decided to draw the adventures of my ghosty characters. Meet Tomy the ghost and Ghosty the ghost dog.

I haven’t drawn on paper for fun in a while so it was a very positive experience for me! I also made a few more drawings in digital to see how they would look. They will definitely appear more in my future drawings!

How an original looks 👇

I will add them on my shop soon ! I am waiting to receive my Mr Hope pins to add them all at the same time.

News : Webtoon + Patreon + Mr Hope pins

1 – My comics are now on Webtoon !
For now, 10 of the most popular from 2016-2017 and plenty coming !!


2 – I updated my Patreon !
Now, it’s getting real ! With some monthly donations, you can now get postcard sized prints !
For everyone pledging for 10$ and more before November, 4 prints will come to your home in January ! All the infos on the link. 👇


3 – Mr Hope Pins are coming in 2 WEEKS !!
I’ll start with preorders and it’ll come to your home in november if we get enough preorders !

Prints’ sizes be of 15×10 cm (postcard size).

For each first package, I’ll add my « you are enough » visual. So in the first package you will receive in january, there will be one more !

If you add your contribution in the middle of a quarter, let’s say in december. You will get the december one with the Jan/Feb/March ones.

My t-shirt adventure

I’ve always loved creating t-shirt but it wasn’t easy. Here are some moments from my t-shirt adventure.

Click for a zoomed version !

I’m on Ko-fi !

I created a Ko-fi account !

With Ko-fi, you can make a little donation to the creators you like. To help them buy a coffee for example !
I’ve been asked a few time how to support my work if getting a tattoo of a drawing of mine. Well, you can consider supporting a bit on ko-fi !

I also have my patreon for monthly support but I think Ko-fi is also a great tool since I try to live with my creations.

Patreon :

L’enfant à la fusée

This morning, I received the books I’ll show to publishers ! I’m super scared and excited at the same time !! I hope they’ll want to publish it ! My mom said it looks awesome !
And later, I hope I’ll have the chance to make an English version ! In English the title would be « Rocket Kid ». But if you buy the French version, I’ll ask the publisher if I can send the translation by email. Yeah, I’ve already planned everything, haha !!

Hey !! Ce matin, j’ai reçu les exemplaires de mon petit livre jeunesse qui me permettront de démarcher les éditeurs ! Peur, patience et excitation !
(Ma mère a dit que ça rendait super beau)

Congrès de l’Encéphale

Il y a quelques jours, quelques uns de mes dessins apparaissaient au congrès de l’Encéphale (congrès scientifique de psychiatrie) à Paris, devant près de 900 personnes. Merci Astrid !

Yesterday, some of my drawings appeared in a conference in Paris, in front of about 900 persons. Thank you Astrid !