
I’ve been asked a few time « Are you on patreon ? » and now YES !!

My work about mental health doesn’t pays the bills so you can help me by supporting my work financially on patreon. Patreon allows people to support artists monthly by giving them a few bucks.  And that would give me more time to create !

There won’t be any exclusive content, all will remain for free online, so it’s for people who WANT to and CAN help ! Know that if you help me creating, you also help many people online ! That kinda makes you a hero !


You can also choose to support my work on my shop :
Prints :
T-shirts and goodies :

Or like you’re all doing with your likes, shares and comments.

Thank you so much for being here!!

Summer news

Hi there,

it’s been a while !

I don’t have much to say. Maybe little updates.

I’m still trying to find a cure for my mental illness. Well, not really a cure but something like on this picture, a lifelong treatment :

Also, I’ve been working on my new print shop. It’s here. And my t-shirts shop will come later. Here are some pics :

Oh.. And I broke my arm. I can’t draw.

But I’m publishing a comic serie I drew a while ago, it’s called « The Sad Unicorn ».

I want to show people that depression can affect everyone, even people that seem to have it all together.

All the comics and news will come here:

Twitter / Instagram / Facebook

Mental Health Awareness month

It’s mental health awareness month !

> I’ve teamed up with Threadless and Hope For The Day for a t-shirt shop, if you want to help mental health awereness and suicide prevention by buying a tee, it’s this month on


> I have planned to make my own threadless shop with mental health tees and more.
But first, I have to empty my home stock, so all the tees from my shop are 10€ and will come with stickers, ghost sketches…

> Here’s a wonderfully written article that talks about my work/life on
Live mind. (click here)


Alona sent me this amazing picture of her presentation about depression. And she’s not the first one. I’m so proud to be helping psychologists from the whole planet !

Art Gives Me Hope – Chicago Art-show

I’m super stoked to be a part of Hope For The Day‘s « Art Gives Me Hope ». It’s at Communitas, in Chicago on the 13th of april. Yes, in the USA !
My drawing will be there among pieces from amazing artists like Matt Skiba from Blink-182, Joel from The Amity Affliction, Shepard Fairey and so many more..
If any friend here is in Chicago, it’s free, just make sure you RSVP at
I’ve chosen my personal favourite piece, it’s the one in which we can see our local mountains so that’ll bring a bit of our Auvergne in Chicago! I won’t be there but I already cannot wait to see the pictures !

Ma première expo hors de la région sera à Chicago, pour la soirée « Art Gives Me Hope » organisée par Hope For The Day, à Communitas le 13 avril. Tu aurais vu la tête de ma grand-mère quand je lui ai dit !! Mon visuel sera au milieu d’artistes comme Matt Skiba de Blink-182, Joel de The Amity Affliction, Shepard Fairey et plein d’autres…
J’ai d’ailleurs choisi l’illu ou on voit la chaîne des puys en fond, ça fera un petit peu de notre Auvergne là-bas.

World Tour in my bed. (2)

Wednesday was an amazing day !

The first email I read was from The Mighty, telling me they shared some of my comics. It’s here. I’m so glad because I love this website.

Later in the day, I was on The Independant. I answered to some questions and Kashmira wrote an amazing article. I think that’s another life achievement for me !

2 amazing websites on the same day !! WOAW !

I receive many wonderful messages and get many notifications. Thanks you ever so much everyone, you keep making my days. And I’m sorry for the comments I miss on tumblr, I have so many notifications that I can’t see everything.

News on the shop coming !

Some wonderful people also asked if I was selling prints and goodies of these artworks. I’m currently working on news to add on the shop ! I found a new printing partner who can ship in the whole world so I can’t wait for everything to be ready !

The goodies you’ll buy on the shop will help me to have some time to create the comics I share on the internet and that everyone can enjoy for free.

I’ll also be looking for a publisher to share the comics with everyone as a book. Wait’n see.



World tour in my bed

Those last weeks have been emotional.

It all started when I published some comics about anxiety and depression on Bored Panda.

In the following hours, it was in the popular posts. Just WOAW!! Now, it has over 250K views and over 35K likes.

I got many many beautiful messages from people who wanted to thank me for making them feel understood and less alone. But also from teachers, people and even therapists who wanted to share it with children and students to bring awareness about mental health. I feel so honored and proud. Thank you so much everyone.

I’m thinking about puting it all in a book. Maybe self-publish it. Or find an editor. I don’t know yet, I’m thinking about it.


After that, it was featured on many many websites and in over 5 languages. And I’m sure I missed so many articles. Here are some :

English :
The Huffington post (Life Achievement)
The Independent
The Mighty
Scary Mommy
Stylist Magazine (I’m on Stylist mag!! After all those years seeing people laughing about my look!)
Tought Catalog  (very personal interview)
Depression Army (one of the first who wrote about me)
Mystical Raven

Filter Copy

French :
Topito (« artiste torturé »)

Spanish :
Bored Panda

Dutch :

Polish :


Japanese :
Tabi labo

Portuguese :


I’m on the Huffington Post !!

Those last days have been incredible and emotional ! I will write more about all of this later. If you don’t want to miss anything, I invite you to follow me on the social medias. The links are at the bottom of this page.

I just wanted to tell you I’ve had the honor to be featured on the Huffington Post. The article, written by Suzy Strutner is here.


Hope For The Day

Hope For The Day is an organization that focuses on mental health education throught self expression.
I met them over a year ago, at the Never Say Die Tour. As I’ve always been struggling with anxiety and mental issues, I could relate to the cause, so I emailed them and we’ve been speaking about collaboration.

They asked me to tell them my story and they are sharing some of my recents artworks on their social media accounts to bring awereness about mental illness. And I’m really proud of this.

I’m also sharing lots of comics about this on
I can also tell you I’ll be making an exhibition about mental illness with those minimalist drawings. I made many as the anxiety became stronger than ever and discovering my artworks can help people gave me an amazing purpose.

Expo @ Le Tremplin (Beaumont)

En ce moment, j’expose au Tremplin de Beaumont (63). Une très belle salle de concert gérée par une équipe super sympa. En temps qu’addict de musique, c’est la grande joie de pouvoir exposer ici ! L’expo reste sur place jusqu’aux vacances de noël.
Je t’invite à regarder leur programmation pour pouvoir voir l’expo en concert : check ! (en plus les concerts sont pas chers, que demander de plus ?)


Héhé, y’a mon nom dans la programmation d’une salle de concert !
