1 – My comics are now on Webtoon !
For now, 10 of the most popular from 2016-2017 and plenty coming !!
> https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/not-okay/list?title_no=333839
2 – I updated my Patreon !
Now, it’s getting real ! With some monthly donations, you can now get postcard sized prints !
For everyone pledging for 10$ and more before November, 4 prints will come to your home in January ! All the infos on the link. 👇
3 – Mr Hope Pins are coming in 2 WEEKS !!
I’ll start with preorders and it’ll come to your home in november if we get enough preorders !
Prints’ sizes be of 15×10 cm (postcard size).
For each first package, I’ll add my « you are enough » visual. So in the first package you will receive in january, there will be one more !
If you add your contribution in the middle of a quarter, let’s say in december. You will get the december one with the Jan/Feb/March ones.